• Sinus lift
  • Augmentation, or bone building
  • Apicoectomy
  • Extraction of an impaired wicker
  • Surgical extraction of teeth
  • Box technique

Sinus lift

SINUS LIFT is an operative procedure that involves raising the oral mucosa, creating an opening on the side wall of the upper jaw and raising the sinus membrane and replenishing the newly created area with artificial bone.

In this way, the necessary height of the bone for implanting is achieved, and by adding artificial bone granules it achieves a very important goal, which is to ensure that the whole volume of the implant is covered with bones, which is an important prerequisite for its good stability.

This is a routine procedure that is most often done in the same act with implanted implants, and no extra time is left for another surgical procedure. If we bone in any surgical procedure, the minimum for its stabilization and strength is 9 months. In some situations, at extremely low bone height, the sinus lift is done in the first act, and the implants after a period of bone integration.

Upon completion of the operative procedure, the wound is seized and the antibiotic is administered. If we place seams that are not resorbed, they are removed 7-10 days after surgery.

The operation itself is performed in local anesthesia or analgosedation and is completely painless.

Oralna Hirurgija - Ardent Centar Sombor


Augmentation, or bone building

Adding a bone can be by adding artificial bone or autologous, or bone of the patient itself or a combination thereof, which is the most common case.

Augmentation of the bone is today almost unavoidable part of implantology. As an artificial bone, we often use granules of different sizes of horse or cognac origin, which during the production of complete purification from matter possibly harmful to humans and their application in the human population is absolutely safe. In our office we use the products of the Swiss company Geistlich, which is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of bioregenerative materials.

The bone may be added to the upper or lower jaw, in addition to bone volume in height or width, often after the removal of the tooth, when the severe bone loss has occurred, the bone structure has been lost, or, for long-term fading, atrophy of the bone in all dimensions .

The most demanding surgical procedures are performed when we want to get “height-height” in the lower jaw, and these situations are the most difficult to obtain the desired outcome. One of the most prominent procedures for this is the so-called. Box technique, then Urban’s augmentation technique, taking bone grafts from the second part of the fork bone, and the like.

After these procedures, the wound is seized and the ends are removed after 7 to 10 days unless we use a resorptive thread. Regulation of antibiotics is necessary, as well as a special hygienic and dietetic regime.



APICOTOMY implies the removal of a part of the root of the tooth along with the pathological process on it. It is applied in cases where the tooth can not be cured by conservative therapy and is performed in local anesthesia or analgosedation.

The operation begins with the creation of the selected type of lobe that is cut and raised by the mucous membrane with the spine, and then on the bone indicated the root of the root and the inflammatory process are present. Infections, cysts or granules are removed together with the work, mainly by the tip of the root of the teeth, by a round drill with minimal surgical trauma.

It is pre-requisite for the root canal to be filled, and this is done the earliest day or which is most unusual before surgery.

The wound is seized by the most common resorptive seams, which are not necessary later to be removed, antibiotics are administered, a particular hygienic and dietetic regime is advised and a control check is scheduled.


Extraction of an impaired wicker

IMPACTED MORTALS require surgical removal in most cases.

Surgical exercise of teeth is an operative technique that differs from the usual, routine tooth removal. It implies operative cutting, in the oral mucous membrane, above the teeth we want to remove. Then, with a sharp, round drill, with the minimal trauma of the surrounding bone and soft tissue, access to the release of bone marrow wisdom.

These operations are sometimes very demanding and it is therefore extremely important that they be performed by a trained surgeon with an experience that is unable to cause additional trauma to the bones or soft tissues, which results in a more severe postoperative course, prolonged patient incapacity for work or everyday activities , and inadequate surgical technique can lead to complications.

After surgery, seams are set up that are very important for proper healing of the wound, they must not be sealed off early, which would allow the development of very dangerous bacteria, but they must gently rub the ends of the wounds together, and the patient is advised about the diet and maintenance of the personal hygiene that is also very important in the postoperative course.

The use of antibiotics is necessary, with cold coats, analgesics and other symptomatic therapy.

Hirusko vadjenje zuba i umnjaka - Ardent Centar Sombor


Surgical extraction of teeth

SURGERY is an operative procedure that involves making a cut, releasing the teeth, the root or its part from the surrounding bone and removing it.

The alveola is then cleaned and sewn. Sometimes, the wound does not close completely, and this depends on the condition of the tooth removed, or the presence or absence of inflammation and infection, most often around the tip of its root.

This procedure differs from routine tooth removal and requires the use of antibiotics and adherence to hygienic and dietary measures that are carried out in other surgical interventions.


BOX technique

BOX TECHNIQUE is a method of three-dimensional bone reconstruction, and was established by Dr. Andree Menoni from Parma 2008. It involves the use of solely resorbable material and no subsequent operation is required for its removal. Also, in comparison to most other complicated methods of bone remission, it does not use the patient’s bone, thus minimizing operational trauma to a minimum.

BOX TECHNIQUE is a regenerative procedure that is able to convert the biggest bone defect, that is, the bone loss in all three dimensions into a special “container”, which is then relatively easily filled with artificial material and gets a new three-dimensional structure.

The goal of the BOX technique is “restitution ad integrum”, ie. achieving not only a functional result, but also an aesthetic dimension, which restitution, or regeneration, is achieved completely.

The technique is extremely demanding, used with resorptive tiles and pins with the Sonic-Weld principle, i.e. ultrasonic welding for the bone of the patient, thus achieving the stability and immobility of the grafted material, which is the first step in creating a new bone.

Dr Mladen Ardalic visited Dr. Menoni in Parma, applied on his advanced surgical course and technique since 2014 when he bought KLS Martin’s ultrasound apparatus. With Dr. Menoni, he is in constant contact with experience and support, and has recently been a lecturer on this topic.

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